Lisa Edelstein
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Największą zaletą "Special Delivery" jest to, że Lisa praktycznie przez cały czas jest na ekranie! Poza tym, widok serialowej Cuddy we flanelowej koszuli, palącej cygara, biorącej udział w pościgach samochodowych... bezcenny :D

Kilka fotek z planu:

PostWysłany: Pon 0:24, 29 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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Mi się najbadziej w tej niebieskiej koszuli podobała ( ta, w której żegnała się z Fredem)
A tak właściwie ile Lisa ma wzrostu ?
Tak na moje, to chyba ma gdzieś 158-163 cm

PostWysłany: Pon 0:43, 29 Gru 2008
Lady K.
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

Dołączył: 22 Gru 2008

Posty: 19

Miasto: Chojnice
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TUTAJ podano, że mierzy

Height: 5’6”
co daje ok.170 cm... Ale wcześniej kilkukrotnie spotkałam się z informacją, że Lisa mierzy ok.168 cm

W ogóle ta stronka nie jest zbyt wiarygodna. Nie zgadzają się informacje nt. posiadanych zwierząt i... znaku zodiaku, o zgrozo! :D

PostWysłany: Pon 0:55, 29 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 57

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na zakupach w Monte Carlo

Dodano 15 minut temu:

a tutaj jak słodko wygląda

Toaroraptorus vel Szpon Sprawiedliwości
Bywają rozstania niezależne od dwojga.Bolesne bo żadne go nie chce.

PostWysłany: Pon 14:02, 29 Gru 2008
(prze)Biegły Rewident
(prze)Biegły Rewident

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 63

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Skoro już Monte Carlo na tapecie... to proponuję moją ulubioną część wywiadu :twisted:

Dodano 1 minut temu:

"Hugh was like a cheerleader..." :mrgreen:

Dodano 2 minut temu:

I jeszcze jeden wywiad (jest po francusku, dlatego poniżej klipu zamieszczam transkrypcję po angielsku):

So I don't have the begining of the interview but I take it that the interviewer's first question is :

Interviewer: Did someone give ( possibly her father ) you some advice ( I take it that she's talking about medical advices ) for the show, for your character?

Lisa: Well since my father is a doctor, it was great because I've always liked medicine and when I was a kid I used to enjoy going to the hospital with him and to the E.R. I would see him doing stitches but there were all kinds of things happening in the emergency room, people dying, screaming, ?, blood. It was very exciting. I mean I didn't have to go to school to be a doctor, playing one on tv and he loved it, he loves to make a big impression if he sees something wrong.but he thinks the show is pretty accurate and great.

Interviewer: Before we got to discover you as an actress, it seems that you've been dubbed ( Queen of the night in French but I guess it's ) « Queen Of Downtown » and that you've also been a host on MTV ( Awake On The Wild Side ).

Lisa ( The « Oh noes face! hehe » ): Well, hm, the Queen of the night was actually before MTV, I was just running around New York as a teenager and I got a lot of attention for not a lot of reason. But it was a different world back then. Nowadays it's the internet and everything worldwide. Then it was about microcosmos in different cities and what was happening in New York was different than what was happening in Paris, in San Fransisco. It was all... you could discover a whole new world going to another city.

Interviewer: Maybe you're going to be the Queen Of The Night, tonight in Monte Carlo.and burn up the dance floor!

Lisa: Yeah, I think I would probably more become the Queen of Six In the Morning. I wake up too early to be called Queen of the Night.

Interviewer: Let's go back to your character, Cuddy. What is it that captivated you in her? And do you sometimes tell the writers your ideas and what you'd like to see happen in Cuddy's next adventures?

Lisa: I like my character a lot. She's strong and clever. She likes to feel sexy even though she's totally in control of the hospital. She's complicated, interesting, very layered and I think some of that has come about over the years as we've had a lot of time to develop the character and then I have more time to develop the character to you. It's getting more and more fun to play her as time goes by. And it feels like at the begining of the series you walk in with a few lines and you have to give so much to show who you are in a short period of time. But after four or five years of playing the character all you need to do is walk in and everybody recognizes her and is with you and the character. And there's a whole life that is happening after that.

Interviewer: Did you expect the show to be this successful? Today we see the frenzy over american tv shows. Did you except anything like that when you started all this?

Lisa: You can never expect that. When you do a pilot of a series, you read it to decide several things: Is this a good script? Do I like it? And if this script lasted for seven years, would I be bored out of my mind or would I be having a great time? Or it just would be a living hell. So House was a great script. Dr Cuddy was a great part. And beyond that it's the luck of the draw because there are so many elements that get in your way and have very quiet meaning, like the internet (?) and all
But once American Idol started that year, and more people were tuning into the channel and into the show it kind of brought us in front of so many eyes that we were able to really take off. And we're really grateful for that and grateful for all the support. But I just think we got lucky and fortunately we had a great product to back it up.

Interviewer: Are you also an unrestrained tv shows addict?

Lisa: I go through phases. But I think there's, there are some, I think there's some excellent television nowadays.Mad Men is a really delicious, beautifuly designed program. Big Love, I don't if it's here yet but it's fantastic, it's about a Mormon with a couple wives in Utah and it's fascinating.
Lost, I think it's really great. There's a lot of very well written addictive television out there nowadays.

Interviewer: Well, personally I hope we'll get the pleasure to have you on our set of Zap8 in Paris. Have you ever been to Paris?

Lisa: Yes I've been to Paris a few times, I have a friend who lives there so I'm forced to stay with him whenever I come to Paris. And he takes me to the best places so it's not too bad.

Interviewer: Like I said, we'll be pleased to have you on our set. Thank you very much.

Lisa: Oh yes of course. Merci beacoup.

Interviewer: Lisa Edelstein, it's a pleasure to see you on House MD. You're the famous Dr Lisa Cuddy and I have just a little question, it's for my daughter, are you (your character) gonna fall in love with Dr House?

Lisa: I think she's already in love with Dr House.

PostWysłany: Pon 19:45, 29 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 57

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Znalezione na jednym z amerykańskich forów.
94 powody, dla których uwielbiamy Lisę E.:

1. Because she is really funny
2. Because she is gorgeous
3. Because she has stunning eyes
4. Because she does yoga at 3 in the morning
5. Because she doesn't let stardom take her over
6. Because she's allergic to perfume
7. Because she is so chameleonic
8. Because she always gets the cool roles
9. Because she is a New York girl at heart *loves NYC*
10. Because of her line delivery
11. Because she has one of the brightest and most gorgeous smiles we've ever seen
12. Because her smile and her laugh are completely infectious
13. Because we find her attitude so inspiring
14. Because she always makes us laugh
15. Because she owns the screen when she's on it
16. Because she is so full of life and love
17. Because she has outer AND inner beauty
18. Because we can imagine being her best friend
19. Because she rocks at every single thing she does
20. Because she's our idol
21. Because she gives the best interviews
22. Because she has such a kind heart
23. Because she is adorable when she speaks French
24. Because she loves Polaroids
25. Because she always has time for the fans
26. Because she's fearless
27. Because she sang with Hugh's band
28. Because she wrote and starred in her own play
29. Because she's the Florence Nightingale of dogs
30. Because she's proud of her family history and where she comes from
31. Because she got her stripper scene professionally choreographed
32, Because she's completely comfortable with herself
33. Because she has an amazing sense of style
34. Because she takes her parents to awards shows
35. Because she's as nice in real life as we imagine her to be
36. Because she blows the most adorable kisses
37. Because she has a wonderful Italian accent
38. Because she even looks beautiful in candid pictures
39. Because she's crazy for her man
40. Because she's always had that special sparkle
41. Because she stands up for what she believes in
42. Because she makes our lives better just by existing
43. Because she's the life and soul of the House set
44. Because "she knows how to move her body."
45. Because she and Katie Jacobs hang out together
46. Because she even has chemistry with a car
47. Because her Fox Fresh picture was the hottest of them all
48. Because her New York apartment is amazing
49. Because pictures of her make us happy
50. Because we need way more than 50 words to describe her awesomeness
51. Because she's wanted to be an actress since she was 3 years old
52. Because she loves her job no matter what
53. Because she felt beautiful doing the strip scene
54. Because she can rollerblade, tap dance and walk a tightrope
55. Because everything about her is so loveable
56. Because she handles everything with such grace and dignity
57. Because nothing fazes this woman
58. Because she blamed a false story on Sarah Palin
59. Because the classic Hollywood starlets have nothing on our girl
60. Because she's the most adorable presenter ever
61. Because she's one of the people Hugh would want to watch on TV
62. Because she's so adorable when she gets embarrassed
63. Because even Ausiello is a huge fan of hers
64. Because she rocked the 2008 Emmys with her beauty
65. Because she's intelligent, outspoken and always in full control
66. Because she's even beautiful with no makeup
67. Because she's the best photographer ever
68. Because she's not afraid to experiment with her look
69. Because she supports the most amazing causes
70. Because she's such an inspiration to her fans
71. Because she looks herself up on the internet
72. Because she knits for charity
73. Because her hat was shaped like a pumpkin
74. Because she rocks emotional scenes
75. Because on her smart also equals sexy
76. Because her speeches have the room rocking with laughter
77. Because listening to her was like listening to a stand up comedian
78. Because she and David Shore feed each other cake
79. Because she manages to find humour is absolutely everything
80. Because she was hilarious on Chelsea Lately
81. Because she has the cutest new dog ever
82. Because there's nothing she's not good at
83. Because her body is so hot that we all envy it
84. Because we couldn't imagine anyone else as our beloved Cuddy
85. Because she looked so sexy peaking up from under her bangs
86. Because she sashays
87. Because she looks great in red
88. Because she showers in sexy before work
89. Because her lines drip with verbal sex
90. Because her hotness is enough to melt the cameras
91. Because she can convey so much in one facial expression
92. Because she and Moby make such great friends
93. Because she supports such amazing causes
94. Because she totally rocks the geek chich look

Oczywiście możemy dopisywać dalej :mrgreen:

PostWysłany: Sro 13:12, 31 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 57

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Lisa E. w RELATIVITY, gdzie wcieliła się w postać siostry jednego z głównych bohaterów. Widziałam ok. 10 odcinków (chyba tylko tyle wyemitowano), z czego Lisa pojawiła się, bodajże, w dwóch. Poniżej zamieszczam najsłynniejsze sceny (brakuje tych z ostatniego odcinka, w którym odwiedza dziadka w szpitalu, a następnie bierze udział w jego pogrzebie):


PostWysłany: Pią 12:11, 02 Sty 2009
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 57

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:D :D :D

Autor postu otrzymał pochwałę.

PostWysłany: Czw 8:23, 08 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 4

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Nie pamiętam kiedy Lisa się lepiej prezentowała - na 35th People's Choice Awards wyglądała po prostu o-błęd-nie! Jestem zachwycona bardziej niż zwykle :D

A teraz skany świeżego artykułu:


PostWysłany: Pią 13:51, 09 Sty 2009
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 57

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Dziękuję za pochwałę rocket :)
Juz dziś rano dawałam te zdjęcia, ale widzę, że ich nie ma.
Dla osób, które nie widziały:
8th Annual Awards Season Diamond Fashion Show Preview in Beverly Hills

Brak mi słów na określenie tego jak Lisa jest niewiarygodnie piękna!!

PostWysłany: Pią 14:15, 09 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
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:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

PostWysłany: Pon 0:58, 12 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
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Kocham ten jej kolczyk w prawym uchu ;)

Przyzwyczaiłam się do tego, że ona zawsze fantastycznie wygląda, dlatego nie będę już ochać i achać :P

Czerń pasuje do niej wyjątkowo, jednak bardziej stój Lisy podobał mi się podczas 35th Annual People's Choice Awards (to tak ode mnie)

Każdy błąd kobiety jest winą mężczyzny.

PostWysłany: Pon 11:14, 12 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 23 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 11

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Wow. Ja zwykle jestem krytyczna, ale Lisa wyglądała na prawdę szałowo... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: seksapil to nasza bron kobieca... wdziek, styl, szyk... *nuci*


PostWysłany: Pon 12:28, 12 Sty 2009
Mecenas Timon
Mecenas Timon

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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Strój Lisy mi się podobał, szczególnie kolor, ale mnie jakoś szczególnie nie zachwycił, ale makijaż, fryzura i kolczyki...cudowne. :D

PostWysłany: Pon 21:04, 12 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 28 Gru 2008

Posty: 101

Miasto: Gorzów Wlkp.
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Fox panel at the 2009 Winter TCA Tour

Toaroraptorus vel Szpon Sprawiedliwości
Bywają rozstania niezależne od dwojga.Bolesne bo żadne go nie chce.

PostWysłany: Sro 15:52, 14 Sty 2009
(prze)Biegły Rewident
(prze)Biegły Rewident

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 63

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