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7x18 press release:




Olivia Wilde Returns in the Series’ Milestone 150th Episode
I bet you're excited as me, right?

Thirteen has been in prison for the past year, but the real mystery for House is what she did to get there. When she exits the prison, she is taken aback to find him waiting for her, and unaware he’s got plans for the two of them for the next few days. As House probes Thirteen for more information about her crime, intent on solving the puzzle of her mysterious incarceration, they travel to an annual spud-gun competition and join forces to compete against House’s much younger, overconfident rival, and along the journey uncover secrets and truths about each other. At the hospital, the team treats a science teacher suffering from severe respiratory illness, and when the team inspects the patient’s house for clues to his illness, they immediately learn he’s a hoarder. But upon a second visit to obtain more information, they uncover something in the many piles that shocks them. Also, Taub tries to get back into the dating scene, but winds up retreating to his old habits in the all-new “The Dig” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, April 11


PostWysłany: Pon 22:40, 28 Mar 2011
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
Pochwał: 78

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7x18 - The Dig - Promotional Photos (13 is Back!).


Dr House – wiemy, co się działo z Trzynastką

Bohaterka grana przez Olivię Wilde zniknęła na początku tego sezonu. Aktorka zrobiła sobie przerwę ze względu na udział w kilku produkcjach kinowych. Po długiej nieobecności w serialu Dr House Trzynastka w końcu wraca do Princeton Plainsboro. Gdzie w tym czasie była?

Widzom zasugerowano, że być może cierpiąca na chorobę Huntingtona bohaterka poleciała za granicę poddać się leczeniu. Nic bardziej mylnego. Michael Ausiello z TVLine zdradził, że Trzynastka spędziła miniony rok w więzieniu!

Za co tam trafiła? Tego dowiemy się w odcinku, który Fox pokaże 11 kwietnia. To wtedy lekarka powróci do New Jersey. House oczywiście nie odpuści, dopóki nie dowie się, jakie przestępstwo popełniła. Zabierze ją na wycieczkę, podczas której na jaw wyjdą sekrety ich obojga

Macie jakieś pomysły, co mogła przeskrobać Trzynastka?

żródło: http://www.house-md.pl/2011/04/02/dr-house-wiemy-co-si%C4%99-dzia%C5%82o-z-trzynastk%C4%85/

PostWysłany: Nie 17:17, 03 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 13 Paź 2009
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PostWysłany: Pon 19:13, 04 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 02 Mar 2011
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7x19 press release:



Masters faces a career crossroads on her last day as a medical student and struggles with the choice to continue on the path to become a surgeon or to accept the rare opportunity to join House’s team officially. Meanwhile, the team treats a 16-year-old girl who inexplicably collapsed days before embarking on an ambitious sailing tour around the globe. Despite the patient's life-changing diagnosis, the patient's family insists on getting her back on the seas in time for her potentially record-breaking launch. But to the team's surprise, including House, Masters makes a bold decision regarding the patient’s treatment in the all-new “Last Temptation” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, April 18 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-719) (TV-14 D, L)

Zdjęcia promocyjne:

Wywiad z RSL:
'This Is My Last Season of House'


PostWysłany: Wto 15:41, 05 Kwi 2011
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
Pochwał: 78

Posty: 5191

Miasto: Poznań/Londyn
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Rozpoczyna się coś, czego fani produkcji pt. "Doktor House" obawiali się od dawna. Robert Sean Leonard (Wilson) może odejść z serialu!

Już od jakiegoś czasu wspominaliśmy, że "Doktor House" wciąż nie otrzymał zamówienia na kolejne sezony. Problemem są kontrakty aktorów, które kończą się w maju. W wywiadzie dla TVLine Robert Sean Leonard wcielający się w Dr Wilsona poinformował, że wraz z końcem siódmej serii odchodzi z serialu.

- To jest mój ostatni sezon w "Doktorze House". Właśnie kręcimy ostatni odcinek z moim udziałem. Patrząc na mój kontrakt, wygasa on ostatecznie, więc będę zupełnie wolny - wspomina aktor, dodając jednocześnie: - Ale tak naprawdę każdemu z obsady serialu kończą się kontrakty.

Aktor zaznacza, że ma zamiar wrócić na Brodway, a decyzja ta jest przemyślana i skonsultowana z rodziną. Pozostaje pytanie - co z resztą obsady? Czy kolejni aktorzy zdecydują się na odejście? O rozmowach na temat przedłużenia kontraktów nic oficjalnie nie wiemy.

Czy "Doktor House" bez postaci Wilsona będzie tym samym serialem w ewentualnym, ósmym sezonie?



PostWysłany: Czw 18:06, 07 Kwi 2011
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

Dołączył: 08 Wrz 2009

Posty: 86

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News w Onecie.

Nie wie, czy powróci do obsady serialu "Dr House"

Robert Sean Leonard nie jest pewien, czy powróci do "Dr House'a" w następnym sezonie.

Obecnie jedynym aktorem z obsady popularnego serialu, który ma kontrakt na nową serię, jest grający tytułowego bohatera Hugh Laurie, zaś Leonard przyjął niedawno rolę w sztuce "Born Yesterday", która będzie wystawiana na Broadwayu.

- To moja ostatnia seria "Dr House'a". Właśnie kręcimy ostatni odcinek z moim udziałem. Nie mam nowego kontraktu na następną serię, bo wytwórnia NBC Universal została kupiona przez Comcast i nikt z nas nie ma jeszcze kontraktu. Jeżeli miałbym wrócić do serialu w następnym sezonie, odbywałoby się to pod zupełnie nowym kontraktem. Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiem, co będzie. Zakładam, że serial będzie kręcony jeszcze przez rok i zakładam, że będę w nim grał, ale niczego nie jestem pewien - powiedział Robert Sean Leonard w wywiadzie dla magazynu "TV Line".

Żródło: http://film.onet.pl/wiadomosci/nie-wie-czy-powroci-do-obsady-serialu-dr-house,1,4235860,wiadomosc.html

PostWysłany: Pią 15:56, 08 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 13 Paź 2009
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House - Season 7 - 7x19 - 'Last Temptation' Promo #1



PostWysłany: Wto 2:27, 12 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 02 Mar 2011
Pochwał: 9

Posty: 158

Miasto: +34° 6\' 39.65\", -118° 20\' 33.73\"
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Zdjęcia promocyjne 7x20:


PostWysłany: Pią 22:01, 15 Kwi 2011
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
Pochwał: 78

Posty: 5191

Miasto: Poznań/Londyn
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House - Conference Call with Executive Producer David Shore


Friday April 8, 2011 I had the opportunity to listen in on a conference call with David Shore, Executive Producer and Creator of House. Although he was speaking with us about the show, specifically the 150th episode and the return of Olivia Wilde, I really was not surprised that he didn’t give much away. Unfortunately a lot of things going on kept me from writing this up earlier, but nothing very spoilery came up anyway!

I really enjoyed listening in to the call. Before he became a writer for such shows as EZ Streets and NYPD Blue, and created, wrote and produced House, David Shore was an attorney. As it is a profession we both share, I assume that his ability to answer questions and give little away may actually be in part because of that attorney training! Essentially, the questions asked by other writers were about the probability of a Season Eight for House, and about why they went the route that Thirteen was in jail.

About Season Eight, David indicated that he “would be absolutely astounded if there wasn’t.” They are currently working under the assumption that there will be, and that even though there is not yet a deal in place and negotiations are ongoing, “FOX wants to have a Season Eight and NBC Universal wants them to have a Season Eight.”

About Thirteen, David indicated that the important thing was more about why she went to prison than that she was in prison. He felt it was important because it told the audience something about her. “It connected us deeper to her, and it was a lovely little mystery for the episode.”

David indicated that the show has exceeded his expectations in every way. He stated that he “wasn’t even imagining 150 episodes.” “At the beginning, I just didn’t think there were that many medical maladies we could deal with.”

David assured us that although there have been a couple things over the years he could have “done over”, he doesn’t lose sleep over them. “That’s not to say I’ve been thrilled with everything I’ve done, but I am pretty good at kind of accepting that that’s what we did, and learning in the sense of going forward hopefully a slightly different perspective.” He added that he would rather not mention these things because he didn’t want to “feed the fire”.

About the House and Cuddy relationship, David indicated that they “worked very hard to keep House as House and Cuddy as Cuddy, and have fun with them in a relationship rather than—and never to just—one of the directives was less smiling.” David states he “never wanted to see either of them just content and happy.”

When asked about keeping the show full of fresh material, David talked a bit about keeping the story interesting and new but didn’t want to shock of the sake of shocking. He states that they continue to ask the same questions they have since the beginning: “What is interesting about this story? What is new about this story? What does this story give us that enlightens us in some respect about House or the rest of the team?” Closely linked to those questions is another important question someone asked that he admits has been there since day one: “Beneath all that scar tissue, does House have a compassionate streak, a human streak within him?” David answered that House is a human being, but it was important to them that they make House multidimentional.

I had asked David about writing and producing and whether he finds that one needs to take the backseat to the other. David assured me that writing is everything. A certain amount of his job is producing and he “feel[s] like [he] is playing hooky when [he’s] doing that part of the job.” He sees his real job as writing and overseeing the writing. By the way, David commented our web site’s name…He did seem a little spoiler-phobic!

So here are a few last minute notes:

• A future episode will answer the question of whether Amber Tamblyn has worked her way into a permanent position or if she is gone at the end of the season.
• It has not yet been worked out whether Olivia Wilde will return next season, but David indicates he does hope they will have her.
• David is operating on the assumption that Robert Sean Leonard will be back next season, although negotiations are ongoing. He indicates that he does feel that relationship is “one of the cornerstones of the show.”

PostWysłany: Nie 5:11, 17 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 13 Paź 2009
Pochwał: 17

Posty: 222

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7x20 promo:

Dodano 15 godzin 39 minut temu:

7x20 press release:


Candice Bergen and Donal Logue Guest-Star

After suffering partial paralysis while searching for a long-lost love, lottery winner Cyrus Harry (guest star Logue) is brought to Princeton Plainsboro for treatment by House and the team. Cuddy’s mother (guest star Bergen) threatens to sue the hospital for malpractice, jeopardizing both Cuddy and House’s medical licenses. Chase and Foreman make a bet that tests each one in different ways in the all-new “Changes” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, May 2 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-720) (TV-14 D, L)


PostWysłany: Sro 7:23, 20 Kwi 2011
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
Pochwał: 78

Posty: 5191

Miasto: Poznań/Londyn
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Anatomy of a Relationship
An Episodic Examination of Huddy in Love
“Last Temptation” 7.19

Once again I have the task of recapping a couple’s relationship in an episode where one half of the couple is only onscreen for 64 seconds. I timed it. This episode also sadly ended with House getting dumped. Again. The boy can’t get a break.

This episode centered around Master’s last day as a medical student. Masters hasn’t decided which internship to seek when she’s told that House has opened up an intern position, which NEVER happens. House wants Masters to come work with him. Masters almost blushes. However, House wants Masters to prove her worth to him. He wants her to compromise her hardcore belief in honesty and uprightness. House feels that if Masters does, she can become exceptional. As the patient states in her ending soliloquy, people “at the top of the game…play by different rules.” Masters is flattered and drawn in by
House’s pursuit. She does end up conning everyone into doing what she feels is the right thing to do. Classic House. But even with the successful outcome of her deceptions, Masters doesn’t feel good about it. Being right and saving the patient is good enough for House. Heck, it’s good enough for Foreman, Chase, Taub and 13. But Masters regrets her actions. She doesn’t want to play by House’s Holier-Than-Others rules and she tells House she can’t do it. She knows she’ll never be the same again but she doesn’t mind that. She’ll take her new knowledge and self-confidence with her as she moves on.

After seeing Masters and House’s “break up scene” I went back and watched “Bombshells.” Cuddy tells House almost the same thing in their break-up scene. Cuddy told House that she “thought she could do this.” “This” being the roller coaster ride House takes everyone close to him on. For House’s team the thrill from the roller coaster ride compensates for all the crap that House dumps on them. Cuddy enjoyed that same thrill. For years House was this amazing man; a man who played by his own rules; who saved lives with his genius. The problem was all that awesome is entirely different to deal with on the boyfriend level. A relationship is supposed to be a partnership. House is incapable of being an equal partner. He’ll always be thinking of himself. Cuddy realized she couldn’t live with that and be happy and fulfilled. Masters too realized it was House’s world and she didn’t want to get sucked over to the dark side so she cut bait. It was the Cameron scene all over again. This time however, House didn’t start to go after Masters. He just disappeared. Hmmmmmmm.

The theme that stuck out to me was that of what is the price you’re willing to pay to make your dreams come true? The patient was willing to risk her life in order to be the best and prove to herself she could sail around the world. House also was willing to risk it all. His genius and ability to be solve puzzles is his life yet he told Cuddy he would give all that up in order to be happy and in love with her. So what if it did mean a few lives were lost along the way. Both the patient and House were willing to risk everything for their dreams . Masters wasn’t quite as willing to risk as much in order to be part of the most amazing diagnostic team ever. She certainly wanted that title. It gave her street cred. But it wasn’t worth it. I think Cuddy wanted the happiness and love with House, too. But she was putting her own self-worth on the line. She couldn’t imagine always playing second fiddle to House’s ego. Personally, I think Cuddy jumped the gun. I know she’d given him ample chances, but hey, it’s House. You don’t expect a pig who’s been wallowing in the mud pit all his life to get clean with one pass of the hose…. Or something like that. I’ve voiced my opinion already that I think Cuddy caved too soon. In recent interviews with Mr. Shore we have learned that Huddy was never supposed to last. I sort of expected that. I just didn’t expect to go from six years of build-up to such a quick break-up and sweeping under the rug of said relationship. A few longing gazes and knowing shakes of the head isn’t enough to satisfy me. If I was a new hire at PPTH I wouldn’t even know that the dean and that cranky doctor with the cane had even had a friendship let alone been lovers. I have been a fan of House since the beginning and don’t need to have Huddy as a part of the show, however, I do need a bit more closure on the relationship. I hope it happens sometime in the next four episodes.

One more thing. Mr. Shore-"You Can't Always Get What You Want" is House's theme song. I get the point that now Masters is taking a bit of House with her, but no. It's House's song. Promise to never do it again and I'll forgive you.

Sorry for the brief posting but my job gets smaller and smaller. The previews from next week actually have House and Cuddy interacting. Real face-to-face speaking! Maybe. Just maybe if we keep our fingers crossed they’ll actually stand within two feet of each other. Here’s hoping!

Żródło: http://www.spoilertv.com/2011/04/house-anatomy-of-relationship-last.html

PostWysłany: Sro 15:24, 20 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 13 Paź 2009
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Zdjęcia promocyjne 7x21

Promo 2#



„Książki są lustrem: widzisz w nich tylko to co, już masz w sobie.”

PostWysłany: Pon 20:40, 25 Kwi 2011
Dziekan Medycyny
Dziekan Medycyny

Dołączył: 16 Kwi 2010
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Proszę przetłumaczcie chociaż trochę...

PostWysłany: Wto 13:35, 26 Kwi 2011
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

Dołączył: 08 Mar 2011
Pochwał: 1

Posty: 25

Miasto: Gliwice
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7x20 - Changes - Sneak Peeks.





Episode 7x21 - The Fix - Press Release

When House and Wilson bet on a boxing match and disagree over the outcome, Wilson gives him exactly one day to pay up or prove him wrong. House presses the boxer for more information to help prove his case and ends up attempting to breathe new life into the losing fighter’s career. Meanwhile, the team begins to suspect House may have another type of drug problem in the all-new “The Fix” episode of HOUSE airing Monday, May 9 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (HOU-721) (TV-14 D, L)

PostWysłany: Sro 6:29, 27 Kwi 2011

Dołączył: 13 Paź 2009
Pochwał: 17

Posty: 222

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