Lisa Edelstein
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Housetka, As Good As It Gets . Są tam w jednej scenie :]


PostWysłany: Nie 18:39, 23 Sty 2011
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

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Lisa mówi o SAG:

Dodano 14 godzin 14 minut temu:

Interview Live with Lisa Edelstein for Starry Constellation Magazine!

I followed the interview through NotYerAvgChick & anthonyocasio and here’s the transcript of questions and answers for you.
Hopefully we’ll see that complete in the magazine soon. :)
This is not the full trascript. Anthony says gonna get the full one in one hour or so. Stay tuned!

Q: The challenges she and Hugh have faced with the emotional sides of the characters.
This level of intimacy with the characters is easier now than if it started with day now.
CB is amazing. Really fun to work with. Really fun to push the fictional envelope with Cuddy having pussy mom.

Q: the dialogue between the characters in the season opener. talking about season 7 premiere.
It felt more like a play. The writers felt that you couldn’t just put these two characters together. You have to give them a moment. They really thought about it long and hard. They thought about different ways to handle the relationship in the season opener.

Q: Where relationship is heading.
Two complicated people who want to be together. They might not be able to, but they want to.

Q: How Cuddy changed over the year.
It’s always David Shore’s character. He controls the world, we’re the puppets.

Q: What is atmosphere on set?
We’re not pranksters. We have alot of smart, very disturbed people working on the show. It’s alot of fun because we all like eachother.
talking about having an episode centered on her. It was fun having the responsibility to set the pace of the show.

Q: If someone would have told you in season 1 that House and Cuddy would be a couple, what would you say to that?
I wouldn’t be surprised. I saw something with that in the pilot.
If you told me that House and Cuddy would have gotten together in season 6 or season 7, I would have been more shocked about us actually having a season 6 or 7.

Q: What does CUddy’s clothes say about her?
She’s all work and very little play. She can’t even run in those skirts.

Q: Are there any actors that are similar to their characters in any way
No. People are a lot more goofier than their characters.

Q: What are Cuddy’s best qualities?
She has a lot of responsibility and she takes it on. On Cuddy’s family. When the crisis hits, it gets really messy.

Q: Another Cuddy focused episode?
No, I have no idea. They don’t tell me this stuff.

Q: Any guest stars looking forward to?
Besides the Cuddy family, she’s bad at remembering names.

Q: How do you (Lisa) spend a day off?
I spend my days off taking care of myself. Taking walks with my dog. Slimming. Just doing things that keep me calm and slow. I try not to drive that much. I try to keep it peaceful. We work really hard when we’re working. Going to charity events, etcs…

Q: Have you had any chance to spend time at a hospital recently?
Last year I got to observe this really cool surgery and I had a really good time doing it. I love biology and it was interesting.

Q: What is your secret to staying in shape?
I try to eat really well…and that’s about it. Eating well doesn’t mean that you have to eat boring, tasteless food. I make food all the time for my friends who aren’t vegans and they never go away hungry.
Her favorite healthy snack: Salad, Kale… they used to call her rabbit as a kid.

Q: Have you ever thought about putting out a vegan cook book?
No, I haven’t. I really steal from every other cookbooks, so the whole thing would be plagiarized. I recommend “Clean Food,” a book I got last year.

Q: After 7 season, why do people keep tuning in?
That’s the magic bullet, isn’t it? It’s so arbitrary on what makes a series works. Our 6 first episodes, we would have been canceled if it weren’t for American Idol stepping in.

Q: Is everyone on board for next season?
No. There’s something going on. There’s a complicated structure. NBC wants Fox to take over production and Fox doesn’t want to take it over. Hugh is there for an 8th season.

Q: What does Cuddy do for House and what does House do for Cuddy?
There’s a great history there and when you get older, that’s a really important thing to have with someone. Problems having been solved, truths having be faced. He knows that she’ll tell him the truth, she’ll tell him when he’s went to far. For Cuddy, it’s his intelligence and brilliance that excites her. Whether he’s someone she can trust is something she’ll have to see.

Q: How do you think Huddy is different from the other “will they or won’t they” relationships on television.
The relationship isn’t about will they or won’t the. It’s always been about House’s journey.

Q: Hopes for the future of the show.
I stay out of it. I would hate to see David Shore read my opinion about the character and what should happen. I just enjoy the ride.

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Pon 20:59, 24 Sty 2011

Dołączył: 09 Sie 2010
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Sesja fundacji SAG:


PostWysłany: Pią 7:10, 28 Sty 2011
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
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OMG, weszłam na chwilę, bo zbieram się na egzamin a tu nowa Lisa:) Jest cudowna, jak zwykle naturalna:) Uwielbiam :D Dobry początek dnia, jak będzie dalej, zobaczymy! Kciuki:)!

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Pią 8:53, 28 Sty 2011

Dołączył: 09 Sie 2010
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Coraz bardziej przekonuję się do jej grzywki. W serialu jak i tu wygląda świetnie. Chyba ostatnie tygodnie jej służą :)
P.s Ja mam takie loki, jak wstaję po ciężkiej nocy. :lol:


„Książki są lustrem: widzisz w nich tylko to co, już masz w sobie.”

PostWysłany: Pią 11:26, 28 Sty 2011
Dziekan Medycyny
Dziekan Medycyny

Dołączył: 16 Kwi 2010
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Wywiad z Lisą - "I... enjoy the ride!"

One interview with Lisa. I don’t really know if is enough spoilerish to put under cut so I just do in case, going more to read is at your own risk.

We were hoping you could talk about if there’ll be maybe another Cuddy focused episode in the future?
I haven’t the faintest idea.
No idea?
No, they don’t tell me things like that. I didn’t even know about that Cuddy episode until almost—like a couple of weeks beforehand.
As a follow up, are there any guest stars that you can tell us about or anyone that you’d like to have on the show?
Well, Candice Bergen and Paula Marshall are coming up. I honestly can’t remember a thing about anything else we shot. I’m so bad at remembering who’s been on and I’m so bad at remembering names that I’m sorry, I can’t answer your question better.
Could you talk about what your hopes are for the future of the show, if there’s anything that you’d like to see happen in the course of the story line for Cuddy and House?
I stay out of it. I would hate to see David Shore reading my opinion about what should happen about my character and House. So, I just stay out of it and enjoy the ride.
Other call highlights:
I guess it was last season you guys did an episode that was centered on Cuddy. What did you bring from that experience?
Well, I had a great time, I mean not just because the show was about my character. It was really fun for me to kind of be the person that’s on set the most, kind of setting the pace and the atmosphere on stage because you really are responsible for that when you’re there the most.
If you have an attitude or you’re tired then it kind of drags everything down. It was fun to have that responsibility and I loved doing it. I loved it, but boy, Hugh must be exhausted.
Given the dynamics between House and Cuddy, can you talk about the challenges that you and Hugh have with keeping pace with the emotional side of the character.
Challenges, we know each other quite well now, we’ve been working together for seven years, which in our line of work that’s like dog years, that’s like 49 years.
So, I really feel like as our friendship as people, as we got to know each other better this kind of intimacy between the characters was an easier thing to do than if it had started from day one, where you have to kind of just jump in and pretend to know each other.
So, it’s been great, I really appreciate if there was anybody that I would have to be intimate with on camera, to have it be somebody that I knew and trusted as much as I do Hugh.
MINDY PETERMAN, with Blog Critics:
What are your thoughts about where the relationship [between House and Cuddy] is heading?
I think, they’re two very complicated people who really want to be together, whether or not they can is another thing, but they’re going to try as hard as they can.
BARBARA BARNETT, with the Blog Critics magazine:
I love the way that David Shore and the writers are approaching this very adult relationship between House and Cuddy, but my question is what does Cuddy do for House, and what does House do for Cuddy? What do they do for each other that really bring out the best in each other?
I think there’s a great history there and as you get older that is a really important thing to have with somebody. A sense of time having passed and problems having been conquered, truths having been faced, that really has enormous value. I think for him, she is someone he trusts; he knows that she wants the best for him.
He knows that she’ll tell him when things have gone too far and then he decides for himself whether he wants to listen. But, she’s definitely someone he trusts. For her, I think it’s his intelligence and his brilliance that really excite her.
Getting attention from a man like that is not an easy thing to achieve, and having achieved it, I think there’s kind of a rush of excitement. Whether or not he is ultimately someone she can trust is I think something he still has to prove.
LANE CARTER with Daily Actor:
You’ve played this character for a while now. How do you think Cuddy’s changed over the years?
I don’t really think— I mean, according to David Shore, characters don’t change, they get unveiled. They become more complicated in terms of how the viewers perceive them and how the writers get to write them. When you sign on to a show, you are as an actor hired to perform something that came out of the writer’s imagination.
As the show goes on, how you perform that affects how the writer imagines the character and it becomes like a melding of the two. Of course, it’s always David Shore’s characters, it’s always his stories, he controls the world he controls all the puppets.
But, rhythms and humor and all those things kind of become embellished once you put an actor in the part, any actor, and it’d be different no matter who plays the role.
So, I think just because the show has matured, the characters have to become more complicated, more real, make different choices and have life experiences that take them on a journey, but, they don’t in essence ever really change.
MAG LEJAL with TheVoiceofTV:
Does Cuddy’s family enlighten us more about her background and offer further character development for her? What are the consequences for House and Cuddy having Cuddy’s mom and Cuddy’s sister there during a family health crisis?
Absolutely, we had an episode air already with Cuddy’s mom and I think it definitely enlightens us about who Cuddy is and where she comes from and why she can tolerate a guy like House, because her mother’s so difficult. When the health crisis hits, it’s even more complicated and it gets very, very messy.
SHIANNE DANCE, with US Weekly Magazine:
What is your secret to staying in such great shape?
Oh, well thank you very much. I just try to eat really well, and I think that’s about it. You really have to take responsibility for what you put in your body and eating really well does not mean you eat boring, tasteless food.
I’ve learned how to cook; I’ve become a great cook. I make incredible meals for my friends who are not particularly healthy eaters or vegetarian, and they never go away unsatisfied. I just think you have to really nurture a great relationship with food.
SHIANNE DANCE, with US Weekly Magazine:
What’s your favorite healthy snack or is there one healthy thing you eat every single day?
I eat salads all the time. I love salad. I love avocado. I love kale. I love broccoli. These are my foods that I crave. I love celery. I love cucumbers. They used to call me rabbit when I was a little kid.

Dodano 10 minut temu:

Lisa na “Art Los Angeles Contemporary” w towarzystwie rodziców i Roberta.

Więcej zdjęć :

Dodano 16 godzin 32 minut temu:

Lisa weźmie udział w projekcie Childrens' Hospital :D


Dodano 17 godzin 42 minut temu:

Lisa Edelstein @ 2nd Annual Winter Fluffball Charity


I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Nie 8:14, 30 Sty 2011

Dołączył: 09 Sie 2010
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Lisa zwyciężyła w twitterowym konkursie "Aktorka miesiąca"! GRATULUJEMY!

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Wto 10:10, 01 Lut 2011

Dołączył: 09 Sie 2010
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LisaEdelstein - Twitter
@jpbeauty getting me ready for the @MoveOn PSA shoot... Great way to spend a Saturday... Look for it Monday!

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Nie 8:54, 06 Lut 2011

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Nie wiem,czy było ale wrzucam kilka zdjęć ;)

PostWysłany: Pon 11:32, 07 Lut 2011

Dołączył: 13 Paź 2009
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Lisa Edelstein o odcinku "Family Practice" i Pauli Marshall w roli jej siostry.


I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Pon 14:27, 07 Lut 2011

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Kolorowa Lisa i zdjęcie z "Family Practice"

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Wto 11:27, 08 Lut 2011

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Po wcześniejszej aprobacie i rozeznaniach w TŁOKU :)

Lisa Edelstein i Robert - 7.02.2011 LA - paparazzi

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Sro 18:30, 09 Lut 2011

Dołączył: 09 Sie 2010
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Aneczka, czemu wrzucasz takie małe zdjęcia? Bardzo prosimy o takie w większym rozmiarze ;)

PostWysłany: Sro 20:19, 09 Lut 2011

Dołączył: 08 Kwi 2009
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Sarusia, Twoje słowo jest dla mnie rozkazem :D

Uznałam, że są małej rozdzielczości, dlatego takie wrzuciłam.
Jak każdy wie, nie jestem fanem RR, ale wyjątkowo na tych zdjęciach wygląda, jak człowiek. Lisa cudnie <3

Autor postu otrzymał pochwałę.


„Książki są lustrem: widzisz w nich tylko to co, już masz w sobie.”

PostWysłany: Sro 21:22, 09 Lut 2011
Dziekan Medycyny
Dziekan Medycyny

Dołączył: 16 Kwi 2010
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Guśka_ Dziex:) Sarusia Bo nie chcę rozciągać forum i słuchać potem krzyków albo dostawać ostrzeżenia :D :lol:

Dodano 3 minut temu:

Po tych zdjęciach uznałam Liska za najbardziej rozluźnioną, pewną siebie, zwariowaną, lubiącą siebie i zabawę osobę. Ona zawsze jest sobą! W każdej sytuacji. Nic nie ściemnia, nic nie udaje! Jak to ktoś powiedział - She;s everything! HL - She's an absolute joy!

Dodano 1 minut temu:

Guśka_ RR to nie vampir, to człowiek :D Lubię go, nawet przez to chociaż, że jest z Lisą, a to co było i nie jest, nie pisze się w rejestr. (dobra, zamykam się już :D)

I need her in my life! I don't want you to change. ~~ Huddy forever! .

PostWysłany: Sro 22:12, 09 Lut 2011

Dołączył: 09 Sie 2010
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